I'd like to tell you about how proud I am of my sister, Nicole.

Nicole is working to raise awareness and funds for an organization called Mutual Ground which provides services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. She asked me to share her story today.

As a survivor of sexual assault, Nicole is taking part in their walk for hope. I've never felt more in awe of her strength and resilience. My sister has shared her story here and I have yet to read it without having tears in my eyes. I tear up because I know the pain that sexual assault can cause a person, family and community and I tear up because I see the powerful impact organizations like Mutual Ground can have on a persons life. I'm humbled to have a sister who is able to share of herself and her struggles to inspire others who may be going through the same hardships.
You may not know me or my sister personally, however, I know that many of us have been touched by either domestic abuse or sexual assault-- either personally or someone they love. The enormity of these topics makes it difficult to put into words how strongly I feel. Therefore, I'll just share with you about Mutual Ground.
Mutual Ground focuses on advocacy and empowerment as they guide victims on a path to becoming survivors. These are services that are priceless, yet are lacking funds. If you're interested in learning more, please visit the following:
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