I'm so excited to have my friend Whitney, from Blis Boutique, guest posting again today. She has a knack for effortless entertaining {remember her 4th of July ideas here} and today she is talking about one of my all-time favorite things... bubbly!! Enjoy!
Does bubbly have to be so formal?
Right now, my favorite evening beverage is prosecco, sparkling wine or champagne! I list all three because each is very different from one another in there taste, acidity, grape and cost, but not necessarily in their overall presentation! So decide your taste, budget, and have fun with some of these ideas!
Extra fruit on hand ~ try skewers of watermelon or cantaloupe toped with a yummy strawberry

A playful touch of cotton candy does the trick! Just make sure not too touch the bubbly or it will dissolve!

{image via southern living}
Popsicles served in a wine glass topped with bubbly works great as a hot summers evening dessert!

{image via southern living}

A Featured blis item:
Champagne Toppers ~ delicious fruit flavored toppers for your prosecco, sparkling wine or champagne of choice! $12.00 for a pack of 5
Thanks Whitney!! And for my friends in Charlotte, don't forget to stop by Blis this week for their sale. If you want to get updates via email, like them here!
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