I was recently invited to participate in the Local Action Challenge that is going on in cities across the nation. In support of the upcoming climate treaty in Copenhagen [dubbed Hopenhagen] the challenge is to inspire local, on-the-ground action in support of going green. By snapping pictures of simple things (that you're probably already doing) and uploading them to your city's site you not only become eligible to win prizes, but you're joining with your community to make a statement.
It took us less than 10 minutes to take these pictures of things we do around our house to be green: use CFL light bulbs, unplug electronics when not in use, recycle and swap to-go cups for a mug.
I'd like to invite you to join in too. Visit the Local Action Challenge HERE, click on your city and get snapping. Please be sure to get in touch if you participate, I'd love to feature readers who take part!
Have a wonderful weekend. Xx
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